Telegram Secret Chat Bug

For whom is following me on Twitter this is not a news, yesterday I was complaining about a Telegram “Feature” in the secret chat context, while for whom doesn’t this should serve as a write-up of the bug that I have discovered (The bug is nothing fancy but something I think people should, at least, know).

Telegram Secret Chat

If you are not practical with the concept of Telegram’s Secret Chat: “Secret chats are meant for people...

VoidSec CTF: Secure the Flag – Writeup

It has been a while since my last blog post, so I’m (finally) writing the write-up of the: VoidSec CTF Secure the flag. The CTF was made possible thanks to the sponsorship with Bitdefender that put some licenses for its product as a prize for the first three winners. This CTF was web based, no binary exploitation nor reverse engineering and/or crypto was involved. Before I dive into deep, let me explain what was the goal of this CTF...