Browser Exploitation: Firefox Integer Overflow – CVE-2011-2371

In case you're wondering why I'm not posting as regularly as before, with the new year, I've finally transitioned into a fully offensive vulnerability research and exploit development role at Exodus Intelligence that fulfilled my career dream (BTW, we're currently hiring). In the last couple of months, I've worked on some exciting and challenging bugs. Hopefully, these bugs will be featured on my blog post as soon as I am allowed to share them and after the...

Exploiting System Mechanic Driver

Last month we (last & VoidSec) took the amazing Windows Kernel Exploitation Advanced course from Ashfaq Ansari (@HackSysTeam) at NULLCON. The course was very interesting and covered core kernel space concepts as well as advanced mitigation bypasses and exploitation. There was also a nice CTF and its last exercise was: “Write an exploit for System Mechanics”; no further hints were given. We took the challenge as that was a...