SLAE – Assignment #2: Reverse TCP Shell

Assignment #2: Reverse TCP Shell

Create a shell_reverse_tcp shellcode that connects back to an IP address, on a specific a port and execute a shell. The IP address and port number should be easy configurable. Again, instead of going for the path of writing a C TCP reverse shell from scratch, I decided to generate a raw Metasploit payload and analyze it with libemu.

Analyzing the Shellcode

All the code is also available on GitHub. This time the analysis will be a lot shorter...

SLAE – Assignment #1: Bind TCP Shell

Before attending the Corelan training and the OSCE certification, I’ve decided to start the x86 Assembly Language and Shellcoding on Linux Pentester Academy’s course. The next couple blogs (~7) will contains the assignments’ solutions for the SLAE certification exam.

Assignment #1: Bind TCP Shell

Create a shell_bind_tcp shellcode that binds to a port and execute a shell on an incoming connection, the port number should be easy to configure. Instead of going for the path of writing a C bind...