Windows Kernel Debugging & Exploitation Part1 – Setting up the lab

Recently I was thrilled with the opportunity to build a PoC for ms-14-066 vulnerability aka “winshock” (CVE-2014-6321). While that will be material for another blog post, in order to debug the vulnerability, I had to set up a lab with windows kernel mode debugging enabled. So, without any further ado, here my setup and the steps used in order to enable Windows Kernel Debug.


Host system: Windows 10 with VMware Workstation 15.1.0 (build-13591040) Guest systems: Windows 7 x86 ultimate sp1 (debugger) Windows...


Instrumenting Electron Apps for Security Testing

This is a re-posting of the original article "Instrumenting Electron Apps for Security Testing" that I have wrote on Doyensec

What is Electron?

The Electron Framework is used to develop multi-platform desktop applications with nothing more than HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It was initially developed for GitHub's Atom editor and since then it was used to create applications like Discord, Ghost, GitHub, Skype, Slack, Wire and a lot more. While for the traditional desktop...